A Plan for Success
Starting with the right decisions means ending with the best results
If you want a satisfactory outcome to your building project, you will need to make the right decisions. The following reveals the first of five very important steps to your project’s success.
Getting Started
Before a blueprint is ever conceived, you must have a plan of action. There are a number of important decisions you must make, as well as several crucial details that need attention.
The following will take you through the planning process and keynote the important questions or issues you will need to address at each stage. There is also a checklist (the checklist is only available in the full version) which will help you keep track of the numerous details that are involved in the process. PBS Companies, nearing 30 years of service, has the experience and expertise to help you through this exciting, yet sometimes overwhelming process. Our desire is to help guide you through this process to keep planning more streamlined.
Step 1: Review Your Company’s Building Needs
You and your team will be living with the building decisions you ultimately make. It is imperative to thoroughly investigate what you need to do to make your new building work well for everyone.
If it’s not possible to talk with everyone in your company, then at least select key people in each department and ask for their opinions. Find out what works well in their present environment, in addition to what your employees believe is lacking. Try not to limit these discussions to only the department heads. Talk to those in the mainstream because they are certain to offer valuable insight on how your present building accommodates the day-to-day work process.
This is the point where you find out what will improve the quality of the work environment for your people. For instance, does the majority of your team bring lunches each day? If so, a lunchroom or kitchenette may be both convenient and appreciated. How many of your people commute by car each day? You will need to provide adequate secure parking.
Here are some other points to investigate:
- Space
- Special Requirements
- Environmental Requirements
- Locale Requirements
- Operating and Maintenance Expense Considerations
Once you have a picture of what needs your building must meet, it will be easier to decide what building method will work best, which leads us to step 2.
If you’re interested in learning more, click here to receive the full, FREE version of our Planning Guide.